“West of the New Kansas” (short) Submitted to film festivals on the 2024 ciruit. Writer/director/producer
“Valley”, Feature script.
1st Place Fade In Drama Awards (28th annual )
The Blacklist - top 5% July 2024
“a Southern Horror” (feature) Now in production. Writer/producer
“Tow” (feature) in develpment. Writer
“Valley” (feature)
“Cutter” (feature)
2023 Highlights
“Consent” original screenplay (Short). Filmed and in post-production 2022. Expected completion 2023.
2022 Highlights
“Blood Apiary” original feature screenplay. FINALIST StoryPros International Screenplay Contest
“Keeper” original feature screenplay Filmmatic. QUARTERFINALIST Drama Screenplay Awards (Season 7)
“Lie-Lie” original feature screenplay. Austin Film Festival SEMIFINALIST
“Keeper” original feature screenplay. Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards SEMIFINALIST
“Linger” original feature screenplay. Oaxaca Film Fest OFFICIAL SELECTION
“Tow” optioned August 2022
“Keeper” optioned August 2022
“Lie-Lie” optioned July 2022
July 2021 SEMIFINALIST! I am excited that LINGER was officially selected as a semifinalist at the FILMATIC DRAMA SCREENPLAY AWARDS which was awarded to the top 3% of all entries. Come on LINGER!!!
Updated March, 2021
Please follow the link to my podcast interview with WILDsound: The Film Podcast with Matthew Toffolo out of Canada!
Updated February 2021 - To listen to a recorded reading of THROWAWAYS and learn more about the Environmental Film and Screenplay Festival, please follow this link!
Where else can you find me?
After submitting my adaptation to the still unpublished novel Blood Creek to The Script Lab/Coverfly I received a RECOMMEND rating which is awarded to less than 3% of screenplays!
Here is a brief excerpt of the notes from their professional reader:
These characters are forces to be reckoned with -- the amount of particularity and depth the writer clearly wound into them is what brings this feature such a dimension. In fact, the characters are just the main element that really draw someone such as me, the reader, in. This is a project intended for drama and, for that, I would say this story seems to be the epitome of real gripping, tension-fueling theatrics -- it never feels quite forced or unnatural either. We can tell almost from the very beginning, without even coming to recognize who our protagonist is, that something is going to happen and it isn't going to be pretty either.
Screenplay news! (December 2020) My first ever screenplay submission, THROWAWAYS, was selected by the Independent Shorts Awards!
THROWAWAYS was SELECTED as a WINNER at the Environmental Film and Screenplay Festival! Here’s what they had to say!
"It's a heartbreaking and very effective short film. The writer does a great job at telling a handful of different stories in a short amount of time. We get to see many different ways of life in this piece. It would be great to see this piece made...
It's very powerful.
This piece is very effective.
It's interesting and intelligent.
The characters are heartbreakingly real."
Updated February 2021 - To listen to a recorded reading of THROWAWAYS and learn more about the Environmental Film and Screenplay Festival, please follow this link!
THROWAWAYS: Original Short
When you are a throwaway, significance is relative.
After a seemingly insignificant plastic toy is manufactured by a young child in Latin America, it begins a journey across the world by tractor trailer, a fast-food restaurant trash can, SUV, a garbage truck, and an ocean-freighter. Each mode of transportation offers glimpses into the lives of its transporters, whether mundane, privileged, or desperate. Finally making its way into the grateful hands of a young orphan trying to survive in the trash-wastelands of Malaysia, these throwaways prove that significance is relative.
TOW: Original Feature Length/DRAMA
A disgraced ex-law man wants to kill somebody—himself—to make up for a mistake he can’t leave behind. Can a chance to save someone else save him too?
In revision.
FORCED MOVE - Original Screenplay/Thriller
In post-production
CUTTER - Original Screenplay/Thriller/Drama
Sometimes looking for adventure will get you murdered. Eliza's next, if she can't survive the wild things in the American West.
In the works.
BLOOD CREEK - Adaptation of my original work BLOOD CREEK.
In the works.